Rules and Regulations
Candidates for admission must be a female golfing member of a WGAWNY club. The following order is used for new membership admission:
- Handicap index of 9.4 or below is automatically admitted
- Lowest handicap
- Member of a new club in WGAWNY
- Club with fewer than 3 members
- Longest time on the waiting list
USGA rules govern all play. Local rules will be established before play begins by the host golf course.
A USGA handicap index shall not exceed 19.4 to join. Clubs with less than 5 members have
the option to allow new members to join at the maximum handicap (21.4 as of 2013) provided
there is no waiting list. Maximum handicap for Full membership is 21.4 once a member has joined. Members must have posted a minimum of ten (10), 18-hole round scores by the close of each WGAWNY golfing season to be eligible to renew their membership the following year (New 2011). Existing members who exceed the maximum handicap (21.4) may elect to stay on as an Associate Member if their handicap remains at 21.5 - 28.4 (New 2020). They may participate in up to two tournaments per year.
The maximum number of members from each district is 100.
Dues are $55 for returning Full members and must be paid by the due date on the dues notice in
order to maintain membership. New member dues are $55.00; Associate Member dues are $35.00
In the case of a medical problem or accident, a one-year grace period will be allowed to re-establish a handicap within WGAWNY’s limits. Payment of dues is not required during the grace period.
The maximum number of handicap strokes allowed in any tournament is the number of strokes allowed for the event based on an index of 28.4, but at no time should a player receive more than 1 stroke on a par three. (New 2020).
Prize certificates will not be honored after October 31st each year or later as determined by the Club Pro. Prize certificates for each tournament must be redeemed at the Pro Shop of the club that hosted the tournament. (New 2011)
Code of Conduct: The WGAWNY is committed to providing a safe and positive environment in which everyone is treated with mutual respect. Incidents of unbecoming conduct or actions deemed to be detrimental to the image of WGAWNY or the “Spirit of the Game” are unacceptable. Anyone violating this policy may be disqualified and/or expelled from the organization.